Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The COVID-19 Pandemic has turned our world upside down. During that time we worked extensively with the most fragile people in Italy (such as homeless, a.o. undocumented migrants) and in some Low Income Countries in Africa and in Middle East.
We want to continue to meet and discuss together to improve our scientific knowledge and share clinical and healthcare research projects between the North and South of the World.
Researchers want to share scientific discoveries and update their knowledge. It is increasingly important to share knowledge and experiences that can improve the dignity and quality of life of many women, children and men who live in countries that are geographically distant from each other, but close in the common human experience of citizens of Planet Earth.
We want to have the pleasure of organizing the 10th International Congress “Skin On The Move. Global Health and Tropical Diseases in Neglected People” in collaboration with Mekelle University, Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Mekelle, Tigray Health Research Institute, Mekelle, College of Health Science and Medicine Wolaita Sodo University, St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College, ALERT Hospital Addis Ababa, Aksum University, Ethiopia.
I would be particularly happy if you could mark the date and you could participate.
As always, the International Congress aims to make colleagues who carry out scientific research and assistance to sick people familiarise.
This 10th edition of the International Congress, which will revolve around the theme Skin on the Move will be held in Addis Ababa and Mekelle, between 31st March – 5th April 2025.
The Congress will be an International Congress outside the borders in which we will study and debate on crucial questions about “Global Health and Tropical Diseases in Neglected People” also in relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic, which has affected all areas of the world. We will discuss about it first in Addis Ababa, and later in Mekelle.
The meeting is open to all Medical Doctors, Infectious Disease Specialists, Dermatologists, Health professionals, Nurses, Midwifes, Students, Anthropologists, Sociologists, Journalists and all specialists interested in promoting and supporting research, strengthening primary health systems, studying the socio-political and cultural contexts, improving collaboration between local communities and health workers and promoting a Global Health idea to improve the lives of people around the world.
The Scientific program will consist of clinical sessions, which will be held in local public facilities in remote areas, workshops, state-of-the-art lectures and free discussions with distinguished experts from all over the world.
Meeting local communities, observing the geopolitical context and the latest socio-cultural events, will also be an important part of the Congress. The Congress will be a good opportunity to discover the hospitality, history and beauty of a particularly interesting country.
We hope, therefore, that you will find this Congress attractive both for its scientific and social aspects. For all of us this is a challenge that we would like to win with your support.
A warm greeting
Aldo Morrone
I’d like cordially to invite Participants to submit a preliminary research title relevant to the topics identified above, including reports from observational, process-based research and experimental and modeling studies of past, present and future change in Global Health – One Health, Tropical Skin and Infectious Diseases.
Preliminary titles for proposed oral or poster presentations (including author names) should be forwarded to the Congress organizers at aldo.morrone@
Selection of oral and poster presentations will take place and speakers and presenters will be informed by 28th February 2025.
If you are interested in participating, please send an e-mail at info@ for a preliminary (non-binding) registration.
This will ensure that you receive further information and the definitive program of the Congress as it becomes available.
- Scientific Director
Aldo Morrone - Scientific Secretariat
Alessandro Onofri - Organizing Secretariat
Lucia Vincenti